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Gay Potsdam Getaway: Sanssouci Palace to Museum Barberini


Are you planning a trip to Germany and researching what to do in gay Potsdam? The small town near Berlin isn’t known for its gay nightlife, but the popular destination in Brandenburg offers LGBT travellers plenty of fun.

Tourists arrive here in droves year-round to tip toe through posh palaces, ancient cathedrals, fine arts museums and Potsdam’s unique Russian and Dutch Quarters. You’ll also find plenty of popular German restaurants, cafes and bars.

Potsdam’s LGBT community gather at local water ing hole La Leander, the city’s only gay bar and cafe. You can also plan your trip to coincide with the city’s two annual gay festivals CSD Potsdam and Queensday.

Article by https://dobbernationloves.com/

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